6 Financial Tips for New Dads

6 Financial Tips for New Dads

There are probably few things as exciting and daunting as becoming a new dad, especially when it comes to finances. But we’ve got you! Here are a few tips to help you turn those challenges into opportunities as you walk this new life path. Create a Budget This is...
6 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

6 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund

Gosh, it feels great to get that tax refund. Dreams of a much-needed vacation or a splurge on something you’ve been craving might be running through your mind. However, as unexciting as this sounds, you might want to spend this chunk of change on things that really...
March Financial To-Do List

March Financial To-Do List

Ready or not, spring is right around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to get in fiscal shape for the rest of the year. However, tax preparation isn’t the only thing to put on your list. Here are a few other must-dos to keep you financially fit. Purge Your Papers...
Your February Financial To-Do List

Your February Financial To-Do List

January has come and gone. You may or may not have stuck to your resolutions, but the good news is that February is here. Now is the perfect time to hunker down and get your monetary ducks in a row. Here are a few things to put on your agenda to get your financial...